Secret Number

Founded:May 19, 2020
Debut:May 19, 2020


Stage nameKoreanReal namePositionBirthdateKorean ageReal age
Léa레아Ogawa MizukiJPNLeader, Sub Vocalist1995-08-1231y29y
Dita디타Dita KarangINDMain Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper1996-12-2530y28y
Jinny지니Park Jin-haeUSAMain Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub Vocalist1998-01-1828y27y
Minji민지Park Min-jiKORMain Vocalist1999-03-3127y25y
Soodam수담Lee SoodamKORLead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual, Center1999-11-0927y25y
ZuuJi Yeong-juKORLead Dancer, Sub Vocalist, Maknae2000-03-2426y24y
Inactive members
Denise데니스Denise KimUSAMain Vocalist, Maknae2001-01-1125y24yUntil 2022-02-01


1.Who Dis?2020-05-19
2.Got That Boom2020-11-04

K-Pop Database since 2020
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