miss A

Founded:July 1, 2010
Debut:July 1, 2010
Disbanded:December 27, 2017
Label:JYP Entertainment (2010-2017)


Stage nameKoreanReal namePositionBirthdateKorean ageReal age
Fei페이Wáng Fēi FēiCHNMain Vocalist1987-04-2739y37y
Jia지아Mèng JiāCHNLead Dancer, Main Rapper, Vocalist1989-02-0337y35y
MinLee Min-youngKORMain Dancer, Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper1991-06-2135y33y
Suzy수지Bae Su-jiKORLead Vocalist, Visual, Face of the Group, Maknae1994-10-1032y30y


K-Pop Database since 2020
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