Raid of Dream

Raid of Dream is the 1st album by Dreamcatcher released on September 18, 2019.


Raid of Dream (Limited Edition) [CD+Photobook]Raid of Dream (Limited Edition) [CD+Photobook]
2.Deja Vu3:45
3.The curse of the Spider (거미의 저주)3:11
4.Silent Night3:18
5.Polaris (북극성)3:54
Raid of Dream (Regular Edition) [CD]Raid of Dream (Regular Edition) [CD]
2.Deja Vu3:45
3.The curse of the Spider (거미의 저주)3:11
4.Silent Night3:18
5.Polaris (북극성)3:54


SongVideo titleViewcountPublishedType

Deja VuDreamcatcher(드림캐쳐) '데자부 (Deja Vu)' MV36,325,7872019-09-18musicvideo
The curse of the Spider거미의 저주 (The curse of the Spider)1,005,1632019-09-18
Polaris북극성 (Polaris)856,3352019-09-18

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