
Founded:June 30, 2020
Debut:June 30, 2020


Stage nameKoreanReal namePositionBirthdateKorean ageReal age
Lee Soojin이수진Lee Soo-jinKORLeader, Main Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper, Visual, Center2001-12-1225y23y
Monday먼데이Kim Ji-minKORMain Vocalist, Main Dancer, Rapper2002-05-1024y22y
Park Soeun박소은Park So-eunKORMain Dancer, Lead Vocalist2002-10-2624y22y
Lee Jaehee이재희Lee Jae-heeKORLead Rapper, Vocalist2004-03-1822y20y
Jihan지한Han Ji-hyoKORLead Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Visual2004-07-1222y20y
Zoa조아Cho Hye-wonKORMain Rapper, Vocalist, Visual, Maknae2005-05-3121y19y


K-Pop Database since 2020
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