Got That Boom

Got That Boom is the 2nd single by Secret Number released on November 4, 2020.


Got That BoomGot That Boom
Catalog: L200002046
1.Got That Boom3:26


SongVideo titleViewcountPublishedType

Got That BoomSECRET NUMBER "Got That Boom" M/V Teaser (JINNY ver.)2,776,2002020-10-25teaser
Got That BoomSECRET NUMBER "Got That Boom" M/V Teaser (LÉA ver.)2,269,9232020-10-26teaser
Got That BoomSECRET NUMBER "Got That Boom" M/V Teaser (SOODAM ver.)1,839,6942020-10-27teaser
Got That BoomSECRET NUMBER "Got That Boom" M/V Teaser (DENISE ver.)1,594,6902020-10-28teaser
Got That BoomSECRET NUMBER "Got That Boom" M/V Teaser (DITA ver.)2,942,0192020-10-29teaser
Got That Boom[Teaser] SECRET NUMBER(시크릿넘버) _ Got That Boom2,813,0602020-11-01teaser
Got That Boom[MV] SECRET NUMBER(시크릿넘버) _ Got That Boom24,225,4842020-11-04musicvideo

K-Pop Database since 2020
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